The Woman

Hey! Thanks for visiting.

I am a Toronto-area mother of two young adults. I am also mum to two rescue pups, Bruce and Ace.

I always knew I wanted to be a writer. I used to write stories and poems when I was little and my mom thought my writing was pretty great. In university I studied English because I couldn't think of anything else I'd rather study. And then it came time to think about how I would make money. That's when I decided to get an MA in Journalism (no guarantee of making money, haha).

I quit my long-time job in public relations several years ago. Nowadays I write magazine and online articles about healthy eating, decor, local businesses and just about anything else that interests me. I also write web content and strategic communications materials for clients.

This blog helps me stay true to my goal of exploring the art in everyday life. There's so much beauty around us if we just pay it some attention. I'm all about using the good dishes every day...and you'll see that I have A LOT of dishes to use!

I have been a vegetarian for three decades and a vegan for the many years. I love veggie sushi, classic literature, art, decorating, baking, forests, oceans, lakes, hiking, camping and knitting (badly).

My favourite band of all-time is Nirvana (I saw them perform live in Buffalo), and I still think I’m 23 years old even if the mirror doesn’t agree. I hope that you will grab a cup of tea and a sweet and join me to explore ideas about cooking, baking, decorating, books and whatever else we come across “in real life.”

Your comments make my day, and I'd love to hear more about you.

You can also email me at

No time to read blog posts? Come hang out with me on Instagram.

See my family in action in this Organic Panic Christmas Crafts TV special: